easylang = new Object(); easylang.title = 'Title'; easylang.fname = 'First Name'; easylang.account_to_credit_select_description = 'Alternatively you may select one of your personal accounts.'; easylang.back = 'Back'; easylang.DateTo = 'Date To'; easylang.mob_phone_plus_js = 'Please put + in front of your mobile phone number!'; easylang.incorrect_email_js = 'The email address you have entered is invalid. Please try again.'; easylang.incorrect_date_js = 'The date of birth you have entered is invalid. Please try again using format dd/mm/yyyy.'; easylang.No_Image_Defined_js = 'No Image Defined.'; easylang.incorrect_date_format_js = 'Incorrect date format. Enter as dd/mm/yyyy.'; easylang.invalid_credit_card_no_js = 'Credit Card Number is Invalid. Please re-type.'; easylang.credit_card_exp_js = 'Credit Card Expiration Date is Invalid. Please check month and try again.'; easylang.passwords_do_not_match_js = 'The two passwords you have entered do not match. Please try again.'; easylang.country_unknown_js = 'Country cannot be unknown. Please select a country from the list.'; easylang.invalid_dob_js = 'The date of birth you have entered is invalid. Please try again using format dd/mm/yyyy.'; easylang.invalid_email_js = 'The email address you have entered is invalid. Please try again.'; easylang.invalid_credit_account_js = 'The Account to credit you have entered is invalid. Please try again.'; easylang.zero_infront_of_no_js = 'Please do not use 00 in front of your mobile phone number!'; easylang.invalid_amount_value_js = 'The amount value you have entered is invalid. Please try again.'; easylang.please_wait_request_sent_js = 'Please wait. Your Request has already been sent'; easylang.browser_ajax_js = 'Your browser does not support AJAX!'; easylang.error_retrieving_xml_js = 'Error retrieving XML data'; easylang.items_not_removed_js = 'all items could not be removed'; easylang.select_transf_type_js = 'Please Select a Transfer Type from the List'; easylang.amount_required_js = 'Amount is a Required Field. Please enter a value'; easylang.min_transf_amount_js = 'Minimum Transfer Amount is 10 currency units. Please try again!'; easylang.invalid_amount_js = 'You have entered an Invalid Amount. Please try again!'; easylang.cannot_transf_from_to_same_acc_js = 'You cannot transfer from and to the same account'; easylang.deposits_avail_active_js = 'Deposits are only available when your account is active'; easylang.min_dep_amount_js = 'Minimum Deposit Amount is 10 currency units. Please try again!'; easylang.cvc_required_js = 'CVC is a Required Field. Please enter a value'; easylang.cvc_digits_js = 'CVC must have 3 digits'; easylang.enter_voucher_no_js = 'Please enter voucher number'; easylang.enter_voucher_value_js = 'Please enter voucher value'; easylang.select_dep_type_js = 'Please Select a Deposit Type from the List'; easylang.enter_amount_to_load_js = 'Please enter the amount to load'; easylang.card_added_to_wallet_js = 'This Card has already been added to your wallet'; easylang.enter_full_card_no_js = 'Please Enter the Full Card Number '; easylang.enter_full_card_no_cup_js = 'Please Enter the Full Card Number (CUP)'; easylang.enter_full_card_no_visa_js = 'Please Enter the Full Card Number (VISA)'; easylang.enter_full_card_no_americanExpress_js = 'Please Enter the Full Card Number (American Express)'; easylang.enter_full_card_no_mastercard_js = 'Please Enter the Full Card Number (MasterCard)'; easylang.enter_name_printed_oncard_js = 'Please Enter the Name Printed on the card'; easylang.invalid_card_type_js = 'Invalid Card Type'; easylang.provide_issue_bank_name_js = 'Please provide Issuing Bank Name'; easylang.exp_card_msg_js = 'This Card has Expired. Please try a different card or enter the Correct Expiry Month and Year'; easylang.invalid_card_no_js = 'Invalid Card Number'; easylang.select_file_js = 'Please select a file first'; easylang.date_error_a_js = 'The date of birth you have entered is too short: '; easylang.date_error_b_js = 'Please try again using format dd/mm/yyyy.'; easylang.fields_required_js = 'required.\n All required fields are marked with a red asterisk [*].\n Please make sure that you have completed all required fields.'; easylang.field_js = 'Field'; easylang.plural_js = 's'; easylang.isAre_many_js = 'are '; easylang.isAre_js = 'is '; easylang.request_timed_out_js = 'Request timed out'; easylang.language_proceed_js = 'You will be redirected to home page. Please click OK to proceed!'; easylang.Pass_error = 'Your New Password cannot be the same as your Old Password!'; easylang.latin_char_error = 'Please enter only English characters'; easylang.sys_must_contain_latin = 'Must contain only latin characters'; easylang.hour_limit_js = 'The hour you have entered is wrong. Please enter numbers from 1-24'; easylang.end_exec_date_js = 'The End Date should be later than the execution date'; easylang.start_exec_Date_js = 'The Start Date should be later than the execution date'; easylang.end_Start_date_js = 'The End Date should be later than the Start Date'; easylang.start_date_js = 'Please choose a later Start Date'; easylang.later_onDay_js = 'Please choose a later OnDay Date'; easylang.time_msg_error_js = 'Please enter a later time'; easylang.pass_lenght_msg = 'Your Password length must be greater than 8 digits'; easylang.weak_password_msg = 'You have a weak password.'; easylang.latin_val_js = 'Please enter only English characters'; easylang.qRemoveBeneficiary = 'Are you sure you want to remove this beneficiary?'; easylang.InvalidDate = 'Invalid Date'; easylang.OTPrequired = 'OTP field is required.'; easylang.max_transf_amount_js = 'Maximum Transfer Amount is 500 currency units. Please try again!'; easylang.provide_otp_js = 'OTP is a required Field.'; easylang.max_ch_allowed_js = 'Maximum number of charactes allowed is 1000'; easylang.compulsoryFields_js = 'All fields are compulsory'; easylang.amountNumeric_js = 'Please enter a numeric amount'; easylang.MinMaxIVERI = 'The minimum amount is 20 and maximum amount is 250'; easylang.Valid_amount_iveri = 'Please enter a valid amount'; easylang.Session_Timout_Msg = 'Please note that the session will expire after 5 minutes'; easylang.Req_Amount_iVeri = 'The Amount is required'; easylang.phileas_min_max_tranfer_limits = 'The minimum amount is 20 and maximum amount is 500'; easylang.close = 'Close'; easylang.select_validation = 'Please select a value'; easylang.invalid_dob_format = 'Invalid Date of Birth Format. Please enter dd/mm/yyyy'; easylang.min_Phileas_transf_amount_js = 'The minimum amount is 20 and maximum amount is 500'; easylang.InvalidDob = 'Invalid Date of Birth'; easylang.ageValidation = 'You can only apply if you are 18 years old or above'; easylang.NoSymbols = 'No Symbols allowed'; easylang.PasswordsDoNotMatch = 'New and Confirm Passwords do not match'; easylang.SelectCrAccOrPersonalAcc = 'Please select a personal account or enter an account'; easylang.OnlyNumbers = 'Please enter only numbers'; easylang.ChooseAnAcc = 'You can only credit one account! Please choose either a Phileas Credit Account OR a personal account.'; easylang.MinMaxOwnAcc = 'The minimum amount is 10 and maximum amount is 500.'; easylang.MinMaxAnotherPsuser = 'The minimum amount is 10 and maximum amount is 500.'; easylang.field_required = 'This field is required'; easylang.AgreeTC = 'You must agree with the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy'; easylang.email_validation = 'Please enter a valid email address.'; easylang.reCAPTCHA = 'reCAPTCHA is mandatory'; easylang.valid_date_js = 'Please enter a valid date'; easylang.DateNotMoreThanAYear = 'Date cannot be more than 1 year backward'; easylang.earlierDate = 'Please enter an earlier date.'; easylang.InvalidFormatyyyymmdd = 'Invalid date format. Please enter yyyy-mm-dd'; easylang.SameCurrencyError = 'Please Choose a different currency: no currency conversion applied'; easylang.curr_conversion_note = '* ECB = European Central Bank'; easylang.CookieInfoConsent = 'Cookie Information and Consent '; easylang.CookiePolicyTittle = 'Cookie Policy'; easylang.CookieTextModal = 'The Website uses cookies to ensure a secure and effective visit. If you continue using the website you consent to cookies being used.'; easylang.ClickCookiePolicyLink = 'Click here to view our cookie policy'; easylang.invalidOTPmsg = 'Invalid OTP'; easylang.QuarterYearSelection = 'Please Select';